East Zagori Farm-to-Table Experience
Baltouma, Ioanninaschedule Starting Time: 10:00 am
timelapse Duration: 4 hours
calendar_month Period: Throughout the year
schedule Starting Time: 10:00 am
timelapse Duration: 4 hours
calendar_month Period: Throughout the year
schedule Starting Time: 11:45 am
timelapse Duration: 4 hours
calendar_month Period: Throughout the year
schedule Starting Time: 10:00 am
timelapse Duration: 3 hours
calendar_month Period: Throughout the year
schedule Starting Time: 09:00 am
timelapse Duration: 5 hours
calendar_month Period: Throughout the year
schedule Starting Time: 11:00 am
timelapse Duration: 4 hours
calendar_month Period: Throughout the year